Cabeza de Ratón
Cabeza de Ratón
For this opportunity the selected theme was “collaboration”, a practice which has fallen into disuse (at times confused with “strategy”), and leads to think, at the same time, in the typology of the artist studio, an entity generator of ideas and practices today in full mutation. Both of them, studio and collaboration, are placed at the center of the slippery scenario of the present social and economic change in Cuba. The installations of Cabeza de ratón (Mouse head) are a collegiate gesture among the guest artists (all working as duos) and the organizers regarding the twenty years of existence of the Estudio Figueroa-Vives (October 9, 1995-2015), a cultural project considered by many as a pioneer in the country. They were spurred by the sense of timing – when, where and why- to reflect on a process of transition that evolves in Cuba between the private and the institutional dimensions in the field of art and cultural management. And in that connection Cabeza de ratón is a statement of its organizers in favor of change.
Pepe + Laura
jorge & larry
Celia – Yunior
IPS, Cuba /October 19, 2015
Estudios privados llenan vacíos de instituciones culturales
By Redacción IPS
Por las debilidades de las instituciones culturales cubanas, cada vez es más frecuente que los creadores plásticos establezcan sus propios espacios expositivos, de promoción y comercialización, conocidos como Estudios de Artistas o el nombre global de Open Studio…
IPS, Cuba / October 19, 2015
Mejor ser cabeza de ratón que cola de león
By Jorge Luis Baños
La exposición, promovida por el estudio Figueroa-Vives, defiende los espacios alternativos a los circuitos tradicionales de exhibición y circulación de bienes culturales en Cuba…