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CUBA La revista

CUBA La revista

In March of 1962 it was announced that the INRA Magazine that arose like one of the promoters of the “Agrarian, Liberating and Antimperialist Revolution will become now Cuba Magazine, to reflect the deep socialist transformations that happen in our country, Latin American and the world”. As much INRA as its successor CUBA were conceived in their graphic format and journalistic style similar to the internationally well-known LIFE and Paris Match, and for that were summoned the most noted photographers, graphic designers, journalists, writers and Cuban critics; even so many young of them began their careers in the pages of the publication.

For this exhibition were invited several artists that reviewed with admiration the collection of Cuba magazines property of the Studio. The works -photographs, design, literature – were created especially for this exhibition and the museographic design was conceived by Michele Miyares for the space of the Studio and the Embassy. These new pieces dialogue with their predecessors´, or they oppose to it trying to modernize their contents, or they recreate faithfully and respectfully those authors in which they found resemblance. They discovered during the curatorial process a very important chapter in the recent History of Cuba and its art. Then they were asked on their opinions about the magazine and they coincided that if Cuba magazine had maintained the same integrity of yesterday, they were gladly be members of its staff.

Iván Cañas
Havana, 1946 – Miami, 2019

Raúl Cañibano
Havana, 1961

Luc Chessex
Lausanne, Switzerland, 1936

Alberto Díaz Gutiérrez (Korda)
Havana, 1928 – Paris, 2001

Ernesto Fernández
Havana, 1939

José Gómez Fresquet (Frémez)
Havana, 1939 – 2007

Mario García Joya (Mayito)
Havana, 1938

Roberto Guerrero
Havana, 1938 – 1982

Hernán Henríquez (Hernán H)
Havana, 1941

Raúl Martínez
Ciego de Ávila, Cuba, 1927 – Havana, 1995

René Mederos
Havana, 1933 – 1996

Pepe Menéndez
Havana, 1966

Rafael Morante
Madrid, 1931

Juan Moreira
Havana, 1938

Fabián Muñóz
Havana, 1973

Eduardo Muñoz Bachs
Valencia, Spain, 1937 – Havana, 2001

Nelson Ponce
Havana, 1976

José Luis Posada
Asturias, Spain, 1929 – Havana, 2002

(Mola) Edel Rodríguez
Havana, 1982

Edel Rodríguez
Havana, 1971

Alfredo Rostgaard
Guantánamo, Cuba, 1943 – Havana, 2004

Roberto Salas
New York, 1940

Héctor Villaverde
Havana, 1939 – 2018

Enrique de la Uz
Havana, 1944 – 2018


Garbos, Cuba / October 1, 2018

Narrar un país desde las páginas de Cuba

By Aline Marie Rodríguez

Revista mensual cubana de 72 páginas, en formato de 35,5 x 26,5 cm, impresa en papel bond en blanco y negro, con 16 páginas en cuatricromía y cuya inspiración esencial fueron LIFE y París Match. Esta emblemática publicación es ahora revisitada desde la muestra Cuba. La revista…



IPS, Cuba / October 8, 2018

Expo recuerda impronta de revista cubana casi olvidada

By Redacción IPS

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